Reborn Renaissance Castle

Restoration of the ruins of the Renaissance chateau Omlenička in South Bohemia

The project is situated in the border region of South Bohemia and is based on the centuries-old local tradition of progressive education and spa. The main goal is to rescue the endangered Renaissance chateau Omlenička. The chateau is the property of the Omlenička Foundation, which acquired the building in 2016 by depositing the last of its owners. It is a cultural monument of the Czech Republic and belongs to the list of the most endangered monuments.

The Foundation has not yet been able to raise funds to start recovery. Only this year will be announced in September a grant call, which is directly intended for the restoration of immovable cultural heritage from the funds EEAGrants and NG. We are preparing an application for the program and are in the process of obtaining a building permit. The deadline for submitting the application is November 2019. The end of the project in case of receiving a subsidy is 2024. The total possible subsidy received is 1,280,000 Euro.

Due to the condition of the object, restoration is a long-term process. Therefore, it is divided into several phases. The first is the establishment of an international center of old crafts, which will enable the restoration of the most endangered parts of the building. (see presentation in English).

We perceive the project symbolically as a reborn of Renaissance values ​​and humanism. Stone-by-stone will be refolded in the presence of ruined history. From the point of view of reason, the best solution is to demolish the object and end its story. From the heart and soul point of view, its renewal is of the utmost importance.

Just as we are talking about the vision of a dynamic and traveling exhibition NEW REALITY EXPO, we understand the chateau as a place of NEW REALITY POINT, where respect for the past, celebration of the present and creation of the future come together. It will be a place of meeting and sharing experiences, a place where the new reality lives.

It’s not just a dreamer’s vision. We have a model of sustainable funding through a specific product and program, we have budgets, a team of executives, a team of architects and designers. The chateau is renewed as an energy self-sufficient one with minimal ecological footprint. We have reference realization of large investment projects. We incorporate the experience from previous realizations into the project.

Community Consciousness research we offer cooperation. On the one hand, as an experiment of creation in the collective field, and on the other, as a meeting and sharing place. The place will be easily accessible. The Linz – Prague motorway will be completed by 2025, the nearest exit is planned 3 km from the castle.

Omlenicka – Prague – 180 km

Omlenicka – Linz – 68 km

Omlenicka – Vienna – 190 km

CONTACT: MgA. Kateřina Melenová, Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees of the Omlenička Foundation,,, +420776663394

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