The International Congress “Worlds of Consciousness 2019” was a great success! After a short introduction of the past activities of the ECR- Institute, Marco Bischof jumped spontanously in, to give an overview on the work of Brenda Dunne and Roger Nelson, higlightening their influence and importance in the current debate about mind-matter-interaction.
Brenda Dunne gave her presentation describing her work with Robert Jahn and telling anecdotes from her experiences. Roger Nelson impressed the audience with his Global Consciousness Project, which in short says “We are all connnected” and delivers global coherent data during global events based on random-generators spread all over the world. Sacinanda Swami led the whole congress with the vibration of the OM-chantinginto a delightfull meditation. Christopher Bache opened up heaven with the diamonds he found during his LSD-experiences and ater lunch Jan Rak showed the physical reality based on quantum terms. Ervin Lazlo send his message about the illusion of the separation between spirituality and science. Regina Hess brought the feminine energy in the hall. Coming to the end, Mathias Schüz precisely showed how ethical business works and Christian Halper and Marcus Schmieke set down the vision to investigate further the information field theories and practices as well as to strenghen networks and collaborations among like-minded institutions.
The presentations will be soon online. Thanks to everybody particitpating and making the event possible. Special thanks to Marcus Schmieke, Christian Halper, Nadine Förster, Hans-Werner Quast, Christopher Sauter, Falk Hubalt, Mathias Polnicky, Jonas Werner and Dong Doan and many more.