This initiative has a very simple message: I am compassion

Objective: To shift humanity’s measurements of worth and value from external measures of wealth, status and power, to internal measures of valuing kindness, collaboration, compassion, self-love and wisdom.

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What is Social Wisdom? 

​Social Wisdomis a state of being that reflects an individual’s ability to operate with a tamed ego through a filter of compassion for self and others. Compassion is an internal feeling that arises when one cares about a person’s life and personal situation.  When one lives with compassion there is a desire to understand, forgive, help, and demonstrate kindness toward self and others, and desire to see all as happy and healthy. This compassion is driven by an understanding that each person’s set of human conditioningcreates unique needs and emotional behaviors that can negatively affect those around us, and our world as a whole. By exposing and learning to tame the needs of the ego, forgiving self and others for being humanly conditioned, and developing compassion for each individual’s humanly conditioned situation, we move into a space of operating from a place of self-love as opposed to seeking love, acceptance and a sense of self-worth from others. When we are each individually wise to what drives the personal needs and behaviors that play themselves out in all facets of social interaction, and heal negative needs and behaviors, humanity as a whole will operatesocially wise. 

The Social Wisdom Initiative is: 

  • An initiative designed to change individuals so as to change global humanity long-term 
  • A grassroots groundswell of compassionate people who will no longer tolerate societal systems that operate from greed, waste or self-serving practices 
  • An initiative that creates a foundation from which the 17 Sustainable Development Goals can be achieved 

​The Social Wisdom Initiative is Not: 

  • Driven by an expectation of changing global humanity on a short-term basis 
  • A top down initiative to change current systems within our societies 
  • An initiative trying to satisfy the 17 Sustainable Development Goals themselves