Homo Integralis

“There is only one way to heal the body of the world, and that is to be the body of the world.” (Mira Alfassa)

Humanity and with it the entire evolution are facing a transition to a new dimension. It is about the exploration and development of an integral (conscious) being. Personal experiences are just as important as interpersonal resonance and rational testability.

The institute’s headquarters are located at the LebensGut Pommritz in Germany. However, it lives and works virtually in all places where people come together in the sense of the development of a new, universal human being, where resonance arises in their being for this new integral tone, for this new self-consciousness of a responsible co-creativity in the flow of evolution, for this clearer and warmer inner flame of life, whose more intensive vibration elevates the human being “to the adventure of consciousness and joy” (Sri Aurobindo).

Mission of the Institute:

  •     Human Self Becoming through Integral (Consciousness) Development of Being
  •     Integration-oriented research with theoretical and experimental foundations
  •     Methods for the (conscious) unfolding of being
  •     Practical implementation in pilot projects and in the concrete living environment of the research team
  •     Alliance and networking with other experiments and research institutions
  •     Library for integral (conscious) being, publications and publication of the journal homo integralis
