Regina U. Hess

Regina U. Hess, PhD., is a clinical psychologist from Germany, holding a joint doctorate in Transpersonal Transcultural Psychology from the USA and the UK. She is a deep-ecology-oriented integrative Gestalt and transpersonal psychotherapist, a researcher, and the founder/director of the “Ase World Forum – Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science”. Regina is a professor at several international educational institutesa frequent speaker at international conferences, author of various articles in international journals and co-editor of several books. She is on the Board of Directors of the European Transpersonal Association and the International Transpersonal Association, is co-founder of the International Transpersonal Research Network, and co-organizer of conferences. Regina is a member of the Swiss Medical Society for Psycholytic Therapy and is lead of the Amsterdam Office, NL, of the MIND European Foundation for Psychedelic Science.